Kalhu Odi


From folklore passed down through generations in the islands of the Maldives, is the tale of Dhon-Hiyala and Alifulhu. The star-crossed lovers that fought desperately to be with each other, never to be thwarted by the jealousy and envy of the king.

The young and humble sailor, Alifulhu, locks eyes and instantly falls in love with the beautiful Dhon-Hiyala, whose beauty was unmatched by any other lady, with translucent skin as bright as the moon and black hair as dark as the deepest depths of the sea. However, soon the young lovers face many obstacles in their quest to be together and attempt to escape the impending doom that was to be their fate by the cruel king.

This was when the infamous Kalhu Odi, the Black Boat in Maldivian Dhivehi, was built for the star crossed lovers to sail over the horizon, far away from the people who resented their love. The darkest witchcraft and rituals were performed to obtain rare black coral from the depths of the sea to build the hull of the boat. Thus, she became the vessel with the strength of a thousand ships, and speed as fast as a launched arrow.


The tale is truly authentic to the traditions and culture of the Maldives today. So we wish to bring you the truest form of the Maldives cuisine to replenish yourselves. We welcome you to the first Maldivian cuisine fine-dining restaurant in the Maldives

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Andrea Chung


Ut enim ad minim venia quis nostrud exercitation co laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo conse. Duis aute irure dolor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisic sed do eiusmod tempor incidid sens as out labore et.

Andrea Chung


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisic sed do eiusmod tempor incidid sens as out labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim venia quis nostrud exercitation co laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo conse.

Robert Chang
