Collaborations with

Local Talents

Kalhu Odi


The Kalhu Odi branding and digital marketing by IMTM Pvt Ltd

IMTM Pvt Ltd is a travel and trade, marketing, and events firm established in 2018. The branding, along with the brand logo, was created by the Co-Founder of IMTM, Mr. Ahmed Shareef, and in-house talent. The Kalhu Odi website was developed by the team at IMTM as well. The digital media marketing and concept development, including the story’s content creation to execution, is carried by the Marketing Team, spearheaded by Aishath Farah, the Assistant Sales, and Marketing Manager

Photography &


Photography and videography by ChalhuSoru (Mohamed Anas)

The photography and videography for the advertising of the brand concept of Kalhu Odi are done by the well-known and talented photographer in the Maldives, Mr. Mohamed Anas. The 23-year-old professional photographer from Shaviyani Fonadhoo has 4 years of experience in cover, commercial, aerial, and landscape photography. Recently moving to videography projects, Anas continues to build up his profession and partnering with world-famous luxury resort brands in the Maldives.

Furnishing &


All outdoor furnishing cushions are handmade by artist Hidha Latheef, an award-winning Kasabu artist. The brand aims to revitalize the lost tradition of Kasabu weaving, found as a signature piece on the traditional feminine Dhivehi Libaas. Striving to fuse the designs as part of modern fashion accessories or decorative art that appeals to all ages, Kasabu by Hidha is committed to preserving the traditional craft by educating and sustaining this part of our cultural heritage for our future generations. Now, she aspires to introduce this intricate art to a global audience and for Kasabu to be recognized as a part of the unique identity of the Maldives.

Hidhana Latheef won first place at the FANNU EXPO 2019, in the category of products created using Kasabu for the year 2019. The Awards is a national-level exhibition organized by the Ministry of Economic Development to promote the creative arts and craftsmanship works of the Maldives.



The digital artworks for promotions of the tale of Kalhu Odi were created by Lonufen Studio. The artwork depicts the hurdles faced by the lovers and the desperation in their fight for freedom, which led Alifulhu to build the sturdy vessel.

Kalhu Odi


The Kalhu Odi restaurant music is provided by Soundscape Solutions, a Maldivian based music agency specializing in music branding and playlist management. With over 20 years of experience in event production services, Soundscape Solutions deliver fully licensed remotely managed music for an ambience suitable for any event. The agency was founded by DJ Umar Ziyad, the team including UK-based music consultants with experience in curating playlists for well-known brands.

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Andrea Chung


Ut enim ad minim venia quis nostrud exercitation co laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo conse. Duis aute irure dolor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisic sed do eiusmod tempor incidid sens as out labore et.

Andrea Chung


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisic sed do eiusmod tempor incidid sens as out labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim venia quis nostrud exercitation co laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo conse.

Robert Chang
